
Check Out Tweets That Perfectly Sum Up Life in your 30s

Adulthood hits you when you're least expecting it, usually sometimes in your late twenties or early thirties. And thirties are a fun place to be! You suddenly find yourself with a bunch of new interests...

These Black and White Comics Will Be Your Favorite

Not everybody can appreciate dark humor. Jos Herder is from the Netherlands and he loves dark jokes, absurd and puns. If you're a fan of those things, make sure to check out what he does -...

Funny Comics That Show What It’s Like Being a Teacher

The funny comics you can see below are the work of a primary school teacher from Ireland. When he comes home after work, he likes indulging in his favorite hobby - cartooning and animation....

Guy Makes Ground Rules For His Girlfriend While Watching ‘Infinity War’ And People Liked...

The Avengers: Infinity War is set to hit the theaters worldwide on April 27 and many fans can’t wait for this mega movie. Seeing all your superheroes in one movie is a huge deal...

This Cosplayer Did It Again, Turning Himself Into Any Character

You may remember Jonathan Stryker, the cosplayer who turned himself into Disney characters and now, he strikes again with even better costumes! Stryker has been cosplaying since 2006, and his skills are improving with each...

This Artist Draws Portraits Of Rappers And They’re Really Hilarious

Tw1tterpicasso, or Ballpoint Papi in his social media accounts, is an artist that makes portraits of rappers that are so bad, they’re gaining attention worldwide. "I've been drawing since I was zero years old," he...

Check Out These Funny Comics by Nathan W. Pyle

Chances are you're already familiar with Nathan W. Pyle's work, and in that case, you'll enjoy some of his latest comics. If you're just meeting him now, stay tuned to see his take on...

Parents Are Sharing Their Hilarious Photos Of Them Before And After Having Kids

Mike Julianelle is a 41-year-old dad from Brooklyn, New York, who is sharing his experiences as a father and the painfully and hilarious truth about parenting on his blog called Dad and Buried. Julianelle has...

This Artist Creates Hilarious Comics That Earned Him 100K Followers

There’s an artist named RandoWis that has been making buzz on social media because of his hilarious random comics. “My name is Rando. I used to call myself ‘Random Wisdom’, but that was long ago...

Nacho Diaz Perfectly Sums Up Life’s Before and After Situations

Spanish artist Nacho Diaz is an expert in making his followers smile with his illustrations. He's undeniably talented for noticing the subtle things that make up our everyday lives nearly 200k people are following...