
Artist Paints Miniatures on Popcorn Showcasing Scenes From Famous Films

Hasan Kale is a famous artist from Istanbul who paints amazing miniature drawings. His recent works include intricately painted popcorn art inspired by some famous Ultra HD movies available in Sky Q this December. The...

Incredible Sculptures By Chad Knight Look So Good Many People Think They’re Real

Have you ever seen digital art so amazing that you're sad it's not real? That's how you'll feel after you see Chad Knight's work. This 41-year-old 3D artist has an exceptional approach to digital sculptures...

1 Million People Follow This Photographer On Instagram, And After Seeing His Pics It’s...

Welcome to the world of mesmerizing black and white photography. Let us introduce you to Jason M. Peterson, a photographer with 25 years of experience. He's more of an artist, really. No wonder so...

The Artist Draws Satirical Illustrations Of Today’s Problems

There's just something special about Pawel Kuczynski's work that we had to share it with you. Not only he's a great observer and an amazing artist whose illustrations are always on point, but the...

Japanese Artist’s Realistic Pencil Drawings, People Can’t Believe They’re Not Photographs

Meet Kohei Ohmori, the 22-year-old artist from Okayama, Japan, who draws incredible lifelike images with just pencils and papers. He spends more than 200 hours on every drawing and his Twitter followers are calling...

Here are Some Perfectly Timed Moments Captured By Camera

Denis Cherim, a photographer from London, has a talent for spotting perfectly timed moments and capturing them with his camera. He calls this The Coincidence Project and shares his work on Instagram. See it below.

A Baker Taught Himself to Make Adorable Cake Popsicles From Leftover Cake Scraps

Raymond is a self-taught baker from Melbourne. On Instagram, he goes under the name RayRay. And you should definitely know that, because you'll want to follow him after seeing his works! RayRay makes the most...

17-Year-Old Creates 3D Latte Art And It’s Too Cute To Drink

More and more young people nowadays are expressing their creative side - and even the ways they are doing so are getting creative. See the artwork of a 17-year-old girl from Singapore, Daphne Tan,...

The Artist Draws the Cutest Portraits of Life in Her 20’s We Can All...

When did you first know you became an adult? For some people, it's a process that lasts for years, and others kind of know it the second it happens. Either way, entering an adult life...

Serbian Artist Creates Incredible Drawings On Her Body

You've seen body art before, but have you ever seen something like this? Mirjana Kika Milosevic is a makeup artist specialized in body painting. She creates amazing disguises with color blending and shading. She's recently...