
This is the Self-Solving Rubik’s Cube

Imagine this: you're shuffling the Rubik's Cube in order to solve it once again, but it ends up solving itself! This may sound like some next-level robotics, but it's happening as we speak. You...

What Raindrops Actually Look Like?

How do you usually draw raindrops? Did you know that's not how they actually look like? Dr. Joe Hanson from It's Okay To Be Smart wanted to learn what happens to water drops when they are in...

Tiny Stop-Motion Chef Makes Apple Pie

A new and promising YouTube channel called The Tiny Chef Show features short stop-motion videos created by Rachel Larsen, Adam Reid, and Ozi Oshiro. The tiny chef uses a bottle cap to make an apple pie, paints...

These Stop-Motion Animations Will Blow Your Mind

Evan Hilton, a.k.a hiltonic_ on Instagram is a 23-year-old self-taught animator from Jacksonville Beach, Florida, best known for his stop-motion videos. His unique thought process that blends cutting-edge ideas with family-friendly whimsy, resulting in creatively...

Peanut Butter and Mayonnaise Sandwich Divides the Internet

We know that peanut butter and jelly is a match made in heaven, but what about PB and mayonnaise? Although this sounds like an unusual combination, it turns out that people were combining peanut...

46 Nintendo Melodies in One Animated Mashup

Are you a fan of video game music? Test your knowledge of Nintendo melodies with this mashup video of 46 of them combined into a single tune. Have fun discovering which melody belongs to which...

These Innovative Lightweight Structures Offer Out-of-this-World Experience

Architect Marc Fornes and his studio, TheVeryMany, have been innovating ultra-thin lightweight structures, pavilions, public artworks that provide otherworldly experience for its visitors for ten years now. Their latest artwork, titled Boolean Operator (named after...

This is What Would Happen if First Dates Were Like Job Interviews

First dates are the worst, right? Lots of uncomfortable situations, awkward silence and tons of unanswered questions. You can't ask a person on a first date why they broke up with their previous partner...

Grown Men Get Makeovers from Little Girls and it’s Hilarious

The Try Guys – Keith, Ned, Eugene, and Zach - are a group of friends that has been entertaining us on YouTube for the last four years with their unconventional and funny videos. They don't...

Furniture Company Creates Awesome Tables in the Shape of Compact Cassettes

If you are nostalgic about the times of compact cassettes and home-made mixtapes, then you'll love the furniture made by TAYBLES. This Los Angeles-based company created fully functional cassette tape tables made out of...