34+ Horrible Things People Did That Fill Us With Rage

What makes someone a good person can be fairly subjective, but there’s a fine line that only a few people dare to cross. For those who cross that line, let’s just say karma has a way of finding them.

From infuriating parking jobs to shamelessly stealing stuff off people’s porches, these posts will make your blood boil. Prepare to lose all faith in humanity!


Cinema Slob

Making a mess is easier than cleaning one up. People who aren’t tasked with tidying up after themselves often act like they grew up in a landfill, lacking any sense of decency.

Cinema Slob

Spilling your popcorn in the movie theater is inconsiderate, but pouring it on the floor intentionally isn’t just weird—it’s straight-up trashy! We think they should end this unholy ritual and repent by working a shift in the cleanup crew.

Tough Love

Isn’t it ironic that all children want to do is grow up, and that all adults want to do is go back to being kids? This mother taught her daughter what being a grown-up means the hard way.

Tough Love

Getting bills handed to you as a 10-year-old is a huge wake-up call. If having her dolls replaced by cleaning supplies and chores doesn't make this girl appreciate childhood, we don’t know what will.

Big Truck Privilege

There’s something about having a big car that makes people think they’re better than everyone else. This person thinks driving a 10-foot-tall gas guzzler gives them parking lot priority.

Big Truck Privilege

They weren't even trying to park correctly. We understand that it’s hard to fit a monster truck in a normal-sized space, but that doesn’t give them an excuse to park over the line.

Reef Wrecker

Coral are the dinosaurs of the ocean, having been around for hundreds of millions of years. Sadly, all it takes is one stupid human to destroy this ancient species—and that human is Charlie.

Reef Wrecker

Charlie ventured down to the ocean floor just to graffiti their name into black coral. We can't help but be in complete shock over this senseless act of vandalism.

Dog Abduction

If you’re thinking of adding a furry family member, we think it’s better to adopt a dog than to buy one. Plenty of dogs need a home, so there’s no need to steal dogs from other people like this adoption center did.

Dog Abduction

This organization kidnapped a disabled man’s dog while he was in the hospital and put her up for adoption. How much worse can you get?

Exposing Litter Bugs

Litter is the last thing we want to see while exploring nature. Trash tarnishes the atmosphere of a secluded trail. That’s why it’s important to use your local social media group to call out this slobby behavior like a true Karen.

Exposing Litter Bugs

Does a dog poop in the woods? We don’t see the point of picking up a dog’s droppings in a bag just to toss it into the woods. Luckily, a brave whistleblower is spreading awareness of the issue.