Have you ever wanted to be best friends with a celebrity and wondered what that would be like? Well, Omar Abu Ghebasha, a young man from Egypt, wanted to hang out with his favorite celebrities, and he kind of made that happen.
This creative young man, who is currently studying to become a dentist, is placing himself in photographs of famous people using his Photoshop skills. So far he’s met a lot of celebrities such as Tom Hanks, Emma Stone, Sylvester Stallone, the cast of Game of Thrones and even Batman and Spiderman.
What so great about Omar’s photo manipulations, is that they look very real and it seems like he’s really very good friends with all of these celebrities. His work only goes to show that no matter the circumstances, we all can make our dreams come true one way or another.
Take a look at Omar’s funny manipulations, maybe you’d like to be in one of these pictures as well.