Ronnie H, Author at TettyBetty TettyBetty Sun, 25 Aug 2019 13:37:16 +0000 en-US hourly 1 These Travel Photos Look Like Something Out of a Fairy-Tale Fri, 30 Aug 2019 14:59:17 +0000 Taking an original photo is not an easy task, especially on trips abroad. Sure, the Eiffel Tower is stunning and the Grand Canyon is awe-inspiring, but anyone who’s ever been there probably has the very same picture as anyone else. Which is why Anastasia Romanova’s style isn’t just unique, but also an impressive achievement. The […]

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Taking an original photo is not an easy task, especially on trips abroad. Sure, the Eiffel Tower is stunning and the Grand Canyon is awe-inspiring, but anyone who’s ever been there probably has the very same picture as anyone else. Which is why Anastasia Romanova’s style isn’t just unique, but also an impressive achievement.

The young London-based blogger has always had an artistic tendency and a love of travel, but as a young professional she had to limit her travels to holidays and weekends, which was when she also sharpened her photography skills.

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Замуж вышли – паспорт надо менять? А если там визы? А вдруг штраф? ⠀ Кто расскажет свою ситуацию, у того никогда не будет отказов в визах 👇🏻 ⠀ Как вы поняли по сторис, ответы я получила противоположно разные. Обычно на любой вопрос мне приходит «точно нет» и «точно да», поэтому я почитала разное (кстати да, речь про паспорт РФ): ⠀ ❤Законом не предусмотрены сроки замены загранпаспорта, поэтому пока он не истек, вы можете его использовать. Штрафа нет. ⠀ ❤Но! Если у вас за границей украдут паспорт или еще чего, требующее обращения в РФ, могут быть проблемы. Также мне написали про случай, когда по базе (не спрашивайте по какой) на границе сделали проверку и сказали «человека с такой фамилией не существует». ⠀ ❤Если вам нужна виза в паспорт, то вас либо отправят обновлять паспорт (98%), либо пойдут на встречу и попросят переведенное и заверенное свидетельства о браке – звоните в посольство/визовый центр и уточняйте! Среди моих подписчиков визу выдавала при таких условиях Франция. ⠀ ❤Если у вас есть действующая шенгенская виза, то вы можете спокойненько с этим паспортом летать, т.к. ваш гражданский паспорт с новой фамилией никто не попросит в аэропорту. После таких полетов люди подаются на новый паспорт и прикладывают старый со всеми печатями – это ок. ⠀ ❤Шенгенскую визу в новый паспорт никто вам не перенесет, поэтому лучше дождаться ее окончания и менять паспорт. НО! Мне также написали те, кому визу переставили – один случай с Испанией в 2011 году, другой с Германией и украинским паспортом. Но мой ответ – не перенесут. ⠀ ❤Визу США можно не переносить (иначе заплатите как за новую), просто берете с собой новый паспорт, старый паспорт с визой и свидетельство о браке (переведенное и заверенное естественно). Но здесь также есть нюансы…и ваша судьба ложится а) на плечи пограничника б) на плечи всех тех, кто на пути в США будет проверять вашу визу и они должны знать что так делать можно. ⠀ ❤Про перенос других виз и возможность въехать со свидетельством о браке во всякие там печальные Великобритании, Японии, Австралии, Канады и прочее нужно уточнять, т.к. правила меняются постоянно. ⠀ Зацените количество «НО» в этом тексте и поправьте меня если вдруг где наврала.

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It was only in 2017, when Anastasia got married and moved to London, that she decided to turn her passions into a career. She quit her job, started traveling, and documenting her travels on her blog.

Anastasia isn’t a luxury traveler and her trips are usually affordable. She travels on a budget and doesn’t shy away from taking the bus or camping out. “It is equally interesting for me to go to a small village somewhere in France and fly to the other end of the Earth,” she says in her blog.

What puts Anastasia on a different level from most travelers on Instagram is her stunning photography. She manages to take truly unique photos even in the most traveled places. Her photos are full of color and light, that you’ll wonder if this place she seems to be in really exists. And if you can’t go there yourself, you can at least revel in Anastasia’s art.  

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🇬🇧👇🏻 2 звезды Мишлен о многом говорят… ⠀ Знакомьтесь, самый красивый ресторан Лондона – Sketch! Сохраняйте! На выбор 4 зала с разным дизайном и меню + самый крутой туалет! Не смейтесь, листайте карусель, он действительно «вау». ⠀ В этот раз мы были в The Lecture Room & Library, где, на минуточку, 2 звезды Мишлен (но я об этом не знала)! Всего в Лондоне 10 ресторанов с 2-я звездами Мишлен и всего 3 с 3-мя. ⠀ Можно заказывать по меню, но мы выбрали сет – вегетарианский и рыба/мясо. Кто-нибудь угадает цену за сет из 7 блюд в ресторане с двумя звездами, где один только десерт состоял из 7 десертов (на второй фото в карусели это все один десерт!!!)? Подсказка: я думала такие места обходятся дороже. ⠀ Было действительно очень вкусно! Пожалуй, даже вкуснее всех предыдущих мест в Лондоне. Прекрасное обслуживание и само место просто восторг. А вот что мне особенно понравилось, они сразу уточнили про мою беременность и официант перечислил все продукты, которые мне нельзя, предложил им замену и способ приготовления. Вместо шампанского у меня в бокале вкуснейший газированный виноградный сок из Франции…место очень советую!!! ⠀ Бронировать 100% заранее. #miss_u_uk90210 ⠀ I want to recommend you the most beautiful restaurant in London – Sketch and specialy The Lecture Room & Library with 2 Michelin stars. Wonderful interior, fantastic food and very good service – great in all the aspects. We tried set-menu – vegetarian and meat+fish and it was so delicious! Highly recommend! Book before visit and try The Grand desert!! @sketchlondon #sketchlondon

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В день первой годовщины свадьбы мы узнали о пополнении. Конечно же, это был лучший подарок нам двоим, но не последний сюрприз. Когда я вбила данные в приложение для беременных, то днем Х оказалась дата нашего знакомства. ⠀ Вопросов про 🤰🏼 почему-то много, поэтому обо всем сразу: ⠀ 🇬🇧 7 месяцев, 28 недель. 🇬🇧 Рожать буду в Лондоне, это полностью бесплатно и прекрасные госпиталя. Кто рожал и в Москве и здесь говорят, что здесь как в Лапино, только бесплатно. 🇬🇧Как ведут беременность в России я знаю лишь со слов подруг и сестры, но в Англии к беременным относятся как к здоровым и лишними проверками без причин не балуют. Если есть жалобы, проверят от и до. 🇬🇧На первой встрече с доктором где-то 1,5 часа мы разговаривали про меня, мужа и моих родственников на тему болезней. Я сказала о проблемах с сердцем у бабушки, так мое сердце 20 минут сканировали со всех ракурсов и проверяли каждый клапан. Еще я наврала про анемию чтобы мне проверили витамины в крови)) 🇬🇧Если вы не говорите по-английский, вам бесплатно предоставляется переводчик. 🇬🇧 Обязательных узи только два – 12 и 20 неделя. На 12 проверяют подробно на ряд синдромов, на 20 определяют пол. Все остальные узи только по показаниям. 🇬🇧Здесь можно выбрать кесарево или естественные роды. Для меня здесь выбора нет, только если будут показания к кесарево. 🇬🇧Также можно выбрать где рожать – дома, в госпитале, в воде. В любом случае вас обеспечат врачами и всем необходимым – и домой приедут, и бассейн организуют. 🇬🇧У меня не было токсикоза, мне не тяжело, нет отеков, нет растяжек, на данный момент не ощущаю особой разницы в организме до/сейчас. Единственное наблюдаются пробелы в памяти, «тупнячОк» и излишняя сентиментальность. 🇬🇧Пол ребенка не готова разглашать, но за имя мы боролись как могли… чтобы для трех стран звучало хорошо – Россия, Португалия, Англия. 🇬🇧 Беременных здесь не взвешивают, но на данный момент я +8 кг. Спортом никаким не занимаюсь (здесь нечем гордиться), но я много хожу и образ жизни не отличается от жизни «до». 🇬🇧 День Х здесь называют delivery day – день доставки. ⠀ Что еще интересно? #miss_u_pregnancy90210 ⠀ 📸 Самые ценные фотографии сделала @bulavina

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Продолжение предыдущего текста: Без приключений у нас явно не получается. В машине что-то сломалось и мы дождались брата. Брата иорданца, которого мы знаем ровно час, который предлагает наперед заплатить ему 50$ и тогда завтра он отвезет нас обратно. ⠀ 🏜 Останавливаться в пустыне было не очень…но брат и правда приехал! Он был полная противоположность нашего первого водителя – чистая машина, молчание и внимательное вождение без телефона в руках. ⠀ 💵 Цена туда обратно (граница – отель в Петре – граница) 150$ нас устраивала, ведь это 2 часа пути в каждую сторону. 50$ наперед были уплочены, «расписка» получена. Как думаете, он приехал?🙈🏨 Если вы хотите посетить Петру, то отель надо брать в пешей доступности от нее! Видела много советов в интернете, но вот вообще не вижу смысла тратить время на дорогу утром, ведь в Петру лучше приходить к открытию (6:00). Наш отель The Moon Hotel Petra на букинге 77€ за двоих без завтрака. ⠀ 👍🏼Расположение – 3 минуты от входа, чисто, комфортно, вкусный ужин (12JD/8,5$ с человека). 100% рекомендую. Рядом есть модный Movenpic hotel, цена в 2 раза больше, но ради одной ночи не вижу смысла. ⠀ К сожалению купить билеты в Петру мы не успели…решили раньше лечь спать, т.к. подъем на завтра в 5:00! ⠀ #miss_u_jordan90210

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Welcome to Mauritius 🇲🇺 #miss_u_mauritius90210 ⠀ Почему же Маврикий? Если коротко, то: прямой рейс, красиво, тепло, есть что посмотреть, виза не нужна. Были здесь? Хотите приехать? ⠀ 🌴 Мы летели прямым рейсом из Лондона – 11 часов 20 минут, Air Mauritius- понравилось! ⠀ 🌴Виза для РФ не нужна, на границе заполнить пару бумажек и! важно! не посещать за последние 6 месяцев страны с вирусом Зика (печати не смотрят, рассчитано на честность). ⠀ 🌴Машины на острове в 99% азиатские, руль правый, мы взяли на 6 дней Hyundai, со страховками – около 300€. Остров кажется маленьким, но из-за пробок, бесконечных колец на дорогах и скоростного ограничения на переезды уходит время. ⠀ 🌴Сейчас здесь осень, погода приятная, сильной жары нет, но днем печёт. Океан теплый. ⠀ 🌴Валюта – Маврикийская рупия (1€ = 40 рупий). Наличные деньги иногда нужны (для входа в этот сад, например), снять их здесь в банкомате не так уж и просто. ⠀ 🌴Языки – английский/французский. ⠀ 🌴Розетки европейские. ⠀ 🌴Разница во времени с Москвой +1 час. ⠀ 🌴Страшных/опасных насекомых/акул нет! ⠀ Одежда и обувь отмечены на фото😌 #ekonikaguests #RubanForEkonika

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Почему я не пишу посты неделями, ни с кем не встречаюсь, не отвечаю на сообщения, почему ничего не выкладываю, хотя идей для текстов и фотографий у меня куча?! Да, я чуть забегалась, я устала, я сплю больше обычного, но на самом деле на душе кошки скребут. Сомневалась писать этот текст или нет, но просто ничего другого выдать не могу. Знаете, это глупо находясь в самом счастливом положении, испытывать такие настроения, но видимо что-то оказалось сильнее меня. Жду утверждения про кризис 30 лет, луну с венерой, гормоны, пред/после родовую депрессию 😜но проблема немного в другом, писать об этом я не готова. По инстаграму ведь кажется, что все классно, никто не умирает, все живут счастливой жизнью, поедая эклер в Париже в радостном настроении. У меня сегодня не так. И вчера не так. И позавчера. Обычно я справляюсь с грустью легко, но что-то затянуло и накопилось. Напишите что-нибудь позитивное, мне явно не хватает именно этого❤

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Travelers, Meet Your New Inspiration Thu, 29 Aug 2019 10:36:07 +0000 Traveling is a luxury most of us aspire to experience, but not all of us can afford. What we can do is follow professional travelers on social media and experience some of the fun through their grid. There are plenty of Insta-travelers worthy of following (and envy), but few have raise luxury travel to an […]

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Traveling is a luxury most of us aspire to experience, but not all of us can afford. What we can do is follow professional travelers on social media and experience some of the fun through their grid. There are plenty of Insta-travelers worthy of following (and envy), but few have raise luxury travel to an art form as much as Christina Vidal.

Vidal, also known as Jestset Christina, is a professional top-tier traveler. At 28 years old, she has over 80,000 followers and has traveled to almost 60 countries. She also partners with major brands for marketing campaigns and manages a successful blog where she shares her travel tips, honeymoon ideas, bachelorette party plans and more.

Christina describes her perfect day as involving “a beach, a margarita, and a killer sunset.”, so this career seems to suit her like a glove. But her goal is not to make others jealous or make luxury travel seem unattainable. Her growing community and numerous project are all aimed to help others travel as well. As she herself put it, her aim is to “showcase the world’s most swoon-worthy locales and inspiring the wanderlust in you.”

So why don’t you check out some of her lovely adventures and see if they inspire you to pack a bag and fly away?

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Isn’t Capri a-door-able 💕🌸🍋

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Life is simple. Just add water 💦

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Tullius Heuer’s Art Pops Out Of The Page Tue, 27 Aug 2019 12:07:49 +0000 Some artists are so realistic they seem to pop out of the page. Tullius Heuer’s digital art is just like that – you’ll have to look twice to realize it’s just a painting. And he’s completely self-taught! The Brazilian-born artist was working in IT when he stumbles upon his passion for digital art. “I discovered […]

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Some artists are so realistic they seem to pop out of the page. Tullius Heuer’s digital art is just like that – you’ll have to look twice to realize it’s just a painting. And he’s completely self-taught!

The Brazilian-born artist was working in IT when he stumbles upon his passion for digital art. “I discovered Photoshop at 17 for fun, without even imagining that I could become a professional in the field. The Living Sketches project came about when I was attending a famous art contest site called Worth1000, where I learned to stimulate my creativity,” Heuer told Bored Panda.

Heuer has been honing his skills ever since and is now creating hyper-realistic 3D digital paintings which he shares on his IG account. The stunning creations are not easy to make: it takes about 9 to 10 hours to complete a piece from start to finish. He takes his inspiration from nature and fantasy to create haunting, spooky and sometimes funny images. His style keeps evolving, and there’s no telling what he has in store for us!

Scroll down to check out some of his incredible art.

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This Artist Turns Walls Into 3D Art Wed, 21 Aug 2019 08:16:17 +0000 Graffiti may have started as an underground type of art, but in recent years talented Graffiti artists have been getting the recognition they deserve from the art world. One of this artist is Sergio Odeith, a Portuguese-born street artist, known for his massive three-dimensional street art. Odeith started painting murals back in the 90′ when […]

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Graffiti may have started as an underground type of art, but in recent years talented Graffiti artists have been getting the recognition they deserve from the art world. One of this artist is Sergio Odeith, a Portuguese-born street artist, known for his massive three-dimensional street art.

Odeith started painting murals back in the 90′ when the art form became popular in his country. He started with small, simplistic drawings, and from there moved on to 3D art. He uses a complex technique to make the flat drawing look like 3-dimensional objects, and as time went by, he’s developed his own signature style.

As he gained prominence, Odeith started receiving commissions from cities and major corporations outside of Portugal. Today he’s one of the most prominent figures in the street art scene, with almost half a million followers on Instagram.

His latest work is a mural that covers an old block Wall. Odeith terraformed the blank wall into a 3D painting of an old run-run down bus. His amazing work immediately went viral and received over 150 thousand likes. But that is not his only piece worth mentioning: he also paints fantastic animals, everyday objects on a huge scale, 3D writing and even people. With his brush and paint, he turns the world around him into a weird, exciting fantasy.

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Time takes it all, whether you want it to or not.

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This Mom Turns Her Son’s Meals Into Art Tue, 20 Aug 2019 14:04:09 +0000 As many parents know, getting a kid to eat healthily is no easy feat. For some reason, most children react to healthy, balanced meals as if it were poison. Laleh Mohemdi, a mom from Melbourne, Australia, was facing this exact problem with her son Jacob. But instead of giving up on the healthy food, she […]

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As many parents know, getting a kid to eat healthily is no easy feat. For some reason, most children react to healthy, balanced meals as if it were poison.

Laleh Mohemdi, a mom from Melbourne, Australia, was facing this exact problem with her son Jacob. But instead of giving up on the healthy food, she came up with a new, creative plan: Instead of just putting the food on the plate, she decided to turn it into a game. Before serving him his spelt pancake, she decorated in the shape of a lion.

Jacob loved it, and Laleh stuck with the new routine: Jacob’s meals became a creative playtime for mother and son.

Laleh wanted to share her new found passion with others, so she launched Jacob’s Food Diaries and started documenting and sharing her creation on social media. She immediately gained a huge following of both foodies and art lovers who were mesmerized by her creativity and talent.

Today, four years after that first lion-shaped pancake, Laleh still plays with her food and creates new food art. No two plates are the same, and in each one Laleh has to combine all the meals ingredients into the painting, and still keep it tasty – a challenge she always overcomes.   

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These Artists Turn Personal Stories Into Tattoos Mon, 19 Aug 2019 06:00:24 +0000 Jade Tomlinson and Kevin James have a unique approach to art. The two artists from the art collective Expanded Eye, and they will create with – or on – anything. They create sculptures, paintings, street art and more using anything from paint to scraps to metals and wood scraps. Their style can’t be mistaken for […]

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Jade Tomlinson and Kevin James have a unique approach to art. The two artists from the art collective Expanded Eye, and they will create with – or on – anything. They create sculptures, paintings, street art and more using anything from paint to scraps to metals and wood scraps. Their style can’t be mistaken for anything else – inspired by 20th artists such as Picasso and Dali, they use geometric shapes, color blocks and surrealistic illustrations to create a new and exciting form of visual storytelling.

But their single most unique projects don’t involve paint and canvas, but ink and skin. A couple of years back, the couple decided to expand to tattoo design. Their tattoos, like their paintings and sculptures, aren’t just beautiful – they’re there to tell a story.

Getting an Expanded Eye tattoo isn’t an easy process. The couple views their tattoo designs as works of art and picks their clients carefully. Potential clients send a personal story about their past, and if the couple finds it interesting, they design a tattoo that embodies that story. They do not change any design once it’s done, and they only make one design per person.

The result is stunning works of art that tell a person’s story better than word ever can.

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This Baker Makes Cakes That Look Like Anything But Wed, 14 Aug 2019 14:27:51 +0000 Who doesn’t like cake? They’re delicious, festive and beautiful. For Yolanda Gammp, though, cakes are so much more than that – they’re art. Yolanda is a self-taught cake artist, who makes novelty cakes – basically, sculptures made out of cake. You can see that type of cake in special events: cakes that look like Christmas […]

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Who doesn’t like cake? They’re delicious, festive and beautiful. For Yolanda Gammp, though, cakes are so much more than that – they’re art. Yolanda is a self-taught cake artist, who makes novelty cakes – basically, sculptures made out of cake. You can see that type of cake in special events: cakes that look like Christmas trees, cute animals, fairies and even Disney characters.

But Yolanda isn’t your average cake artist: she has a passion for making cakes that look like everyday objects. Instead of animals and fairies, she makes cakes that look like poke balls, hamburgers, designer bags, and perfume bottles.

In 2015, Yolanda decided to take the next step with her passion and launched a YouTube channel named How to Cake It, where she uploads videos of her baking process and shares baking tips and trick with her audience. Unlike other TV chefs and bakers, Yolanda doesn’t try to keep a tight, professional image, and lets her bubbly personality shine. She doesn’t hide her mistakes, jokes around with her cameraman and producer and smiles, laughs and dances constantly.

Her incredible skills and fresh attitude turned her into a hug star. She has a massive IG following, her own line of products and a cookbook, and she even appeared on hit TV shows like Nailed It and Food Wars.  

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This Artist Turns Old Jeans Into Art Tue, 13 Aug 2019 12:10:47 +0000 Ian Berry makes paintings, but he isn’t a painter. The Sweden-based British artist uses a unique material to create his “paintings” – denim. He makes gorgeous, blue-tinted pieces completely out of different types and shades of this everyday fabric. Berry’s love affair with denim started one day when he went to visit his childhood home […]

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Ian Berry makes paintings, but he isn’t a painter. The Sweden-based British artist uses a unique material to create his “paintings” – denim. He makes gorgeous, blue-tinted pieces completely out of different types and shades of this everyday fabric.

Berry’s love affair with denim started one day when he went to visit his childhood home and found an old, worn pair of jeans that were about to be thrown out. The young artist, who’d been looking for new ways to create art, recognized an opportunity to make something completely new with the unwanted jeans, and immediately started experimenting with it and with other pieces of denim. He eventually developed his own special technique of manipulating the fabric and turning it into paintings of landscapes, people and objects.

The process isn’t an easy one – after planning his next piece and gathering enough fabric, Berry starts a process of cutting, bleaching, sewing and gluing together hundreds of tiny pieces. Each piece takes weeks to complete.

The final result isn’t only fun to look at but is also extremely impressive. Berry’s attention to details and meticulous work process result in almost photo-realistic images, with the unique texture and feel of denim. Scroll down to check out his works.

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The result will be unveiled next week! Finally.

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If This Blogger Doesn’t Inspire Tou to Travel, Nothing Will Mon, 12 Aug 2019 12:03:11 +0000 Who doesn’t fantasize about dropping everything and going someplace far every once in a while? But most of us never act on these feelings – it’s just too scary. Liz Carlson, the woman behind the Young Adverturess IG account, did just that. Liz basically stumbles upon her nomad lifestyle. As a young college graduate, she […]

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Who doesn’t fantasize about dropping everything and going someplace far every once in a while? But most of us never act on these feelings – it’s just too scary. Liz Carlson, the woman behind the Young Adverturess IG account, did just that.

Liz basically stumbles upon her nomad lifestyle. As a young college graduate, she decided to take a break, put life on hold and travel to Spain for a while. She’d figure her next move there, she thought.

After three years of teaching English in Spain, Liz realized this was her career. After a short stay in the States, she launched her blog, packed her bags and left to New Zealand. Now, five years later, she’s still living her dream. She lives in a tiny village in New Zealand on goes on adventures from there. She documents her adventures on her blog and jaw-dropping IG account.

Liz is also a storyteller with a unique voice. She likes to share her stories with the world, with other travelers and with adventure-lovers at home. She also shares her travel tips with her followers, so that they can plan their own adventures in the best and easiest way possible. If Liz’s story doesn’t inspire you to travel, nothing will.  

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Greetings from your favorite pesky blogger 😭 ever since the #chefgate of the past few days, I’ve done some pondering and dwelling on the idea of integrity, respect and resilience, three things that are fundamentally important to me, and whether I should have shared my experience publicly or not. Ultimately I decided to because at the end of the day, my loyalty will always lay with you guys, my followers. If that means risking my professional reputation, I will ⭐ I’ve spent close to a decade building this community (and my blog) based entirely on trust. I am nothing without you. You can always trust me to tell the truth, be honest. I will never stop working to earn your respect, and I won’t let you down 🤗 I will always stand by my words, live with integrity and stick up for what I think is important, even if it’s not popular. Secondly, I want to thank you guys for being there for me over and over again. I’m supremely lucky to have a massive squad of supporters I can count on, most people don’t. So now I want to speak to people here who have ever felt like they’re being bullied or shamed, please try to look towards your own community for support when you feel low – don’t keep it in. And you can come to me too. I’ll always be on your team, on your side. You guys have always been there for me, and I’ll be there for you. Don’t ignore it and let it eat at you, and if you feel strong enough, stand up for yourself and others. Live with courage and kindness ❤ #kiakaha

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This Chef Creates Yummy, Healthy Recipes Anybody Can Make Sun, 11 Aug 2019 10:18:00 +0000 As much as we love a good food IG account, it’s hard to be a foodie and remain healthy. The most mouth-watering food isn’t always the best thing for us. So how do we manage a healthy, balanced diet and a passion for food? It’s actually pretty simple – by following Lucia Lee. Lee is […]

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As much as we love a good food IG account, it’s hard to be a foodie and remain healthy. The most mouth-watering food isn’t always the best thing for us. So how do we manage a healthy, balanced diet and a passion for food? It’s actually pretty simple – by following Lucia Lee.

Lee is a chef and minimalist, and she combined those two loves by creating simple, healthy, and easy recipes that also look good and taste amazing. Her inspiration comes from everywhere – from Asian to American cuisine and from high-end, sophisticated courses to simple street-food.

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Broiled baby eggplants with roasted sungolds, drizzled with garlic-infused honey, toasted pine nuts, torn mint and urfa pepper. __________________ Eggplant: Cut a few baby eggplants (sometimes called Indian eggplants) in half, then score in a criss-cross pattern with a paring knife. Sprinkle kosher salt generously all over cut side and let sit for about 30+ min. to draw out excess moisture and bitterness. Rinse under cold water and pat dry. Drizzle or spray neutral oil all over eggplants. Broil, cut side up, on high for about 3-4 inches from the heat source until eggplants are golden brown and a little charred in some spots. Meanwhile, toss a few handfuls of sungold tomatoes in oil and roast in the oven (until slightly bursting) on a lower rack while the eggplants are broiling. Remove everything from oven and let cool a bit. __________________ Drizzle garlic-infused honey over everything, sprinkle on some seat salt + smoky urfa pepper. Add on some torn mint + toasted pine nuts. Serve at room temp as is or with yogurt. __________________ Garlic-infused honey: Peel and smash a few cloves of garlic, keeping them mostly in large pieces. Mix and cover with about a cup of honey (preferably raw) in a clean jar. Infuse for an hour or for a few days on the countertop. You’ll have a lot of infused honey left–use on pizza, roasted meats and vegetables. If you’re iffy about leaving the garlic-honey on your countertop, feel free to refrigerate it. But take the honey out of the fridge and bring it to room temp so it’s easier to drizzle.

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The results are awe-inspiring. She uses fresh, healthy ingredients to create well-balanced dishes, but she doesn’t stop there: the dishes are gorgeous to look at. We can scroll through her grid all day long and not get tired of it (but we will probably get hungry).

Lee wants to spread her love of yummy, healthy food, so she doesn’t just upload photos of her creations to Instagram – she also shares the recipe of each and every dish! In the spirit of her account, those recipes are easy to follow and use basic ingredients that are available in every supermarket. Even someone with no cooking experience whatsoever can make them and have a lovely meal.   

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ersion="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> Ronnie H, Author at TettyBetty TettyBetty Sun, 25 Aug 2019 13:37:16 +0000 en-US hourly 1 These Travel Photos Look Like Something Out of a Fairy-Tale Fri, 30 Aug 2019 14:59:17 +0000 Taking an original photo is not an easy task, especially on trips abroad. Sure, the Eiffel Tower is stunning and the Grand Canyon is awe-inspiring, but anyone who’s ever been there probably has the very same picture as anyone else. Which is why Anastasia Romanova’s style isn’t just unique, but also an impressive achievement. The […]

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Taking an original photo is not an easy task, especially on trips abroad. Sure, the Eiffel Tower is stunning and the Grand Canyon is awe-inspiring, but anyone who’s ever been there probably has the very same picture as anyone else. Which is why Anastasia Romanova’s style isn’t just unique, but also an impressive achievement.

The young London-based blogger has always had an artistic tendency and a love of travel, but as a young professional she had to limit her travels to holidays and weekends, which was when she also sharpened her photography skills.

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Замуж вышли – паспорт надо менять? А если там визы? А вдруг штраф? ⠀ Кто расскажет свою ситуацию, у того никогда не будет отказов в визах 👇🏻 ⠀ Как вы поняли по сторис, ответы я получила противоположно разные. Обычно на любой вопрос мне приходит «точно нет» и «точно да», поэтому я почитала разное (кстати да, речь про паспорт РФ): ⠀ ❤Законом не предусмотрены сроки замены загранпаспорта, поэтому пока он не истек, вы можете его использовать. Штрафа нет. ⠀ ❤Но! Если у вас за границей украдут паспорт или еще чего, требующее обращения в РФ, могут быть проблемы. Также мне написали про случай, когда по базе (не спрашивайте по какой) на границе сделали проверку и сказали «человека с такой фамилией не существует». ⠀ ❤Если вам нужна виза в паспорт, то вас либо отправят обновлять паспорт (98%), либо пойдут на встречу и попросят переведенное и заверенное свидетельства о браке – звоните в посольство/визовый центр и уточняйте! Среди моих подписчиков визу выдавала при таких условиях Франция. ⠀ ❤Если у вас есть действующая шенгенская виза, то вы можете спокойненько с этим паспортом летать, т.к. ваш гражданский паспорт с новой фамилией никто не попросит в аэропорту. После таких полетов люди подаются на новый паспорт и прикладывают старый со всеми печатями – это ок. ⠀ ❤Шенгенскую визу в новый паспорт никто вам не перенесет, поэтому лучше дождаться ее окончания и менять паспорт. НО! Мне также написали те, кому визу переставили – один случай с Испанией в 2011 году, другой с Германией и украинским паспортом. Но мой ответ – не перенесут. ⠀ ❤Визу США можно не переносить (иначе заплатите как за новую), просто берете с собой новый паспорт, старый паспорт с визой и свидетельство о браке (переведенное и заверенное естественно). Но здесь также есть нюансы…и ваша судьба ложится а) на плечи пограничника б) на плечи всех тех, кто на пути в США будет проверять вашу визу и они должны знать что так делать можно. ⠀ ❤Про перенос других виз и возможность въехать со свидетельством о браке во всякие там печальные Великобритании, Японии, Австралии, Канады и прочее нужно уточнять, т.к. правила меняются постоянно. ⠀ Зацените количество «НО» в этом тексте и поправьте меня если вдруг где наврала.

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It was only in 2017, when Anastasia got married and moved to London, that she decided to turn her passions into a career. She quit her job, started traveling, and documenting her travels on her blog.

Anastasia isn’t a luxury traveler and her trips are usually affordable. She travels on a budget and doesn’t shy away from taking the bus or camping out. “It is equally interesting for me to go to a small village somewhere in France and fly to the other end of the Earth,” she says in her blog.

What puts Anastasia on a different level from most travelers on Instagram is her stunning photography. She manages to take truly unique photos even in the most traveled places. Her photos are full of color and light, that you’ll wonder if this place she seems to be in really exists. And if you can’t go there yourself, you can at least revel in Anastasia’s art.  

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🇬🇧👇🏻 2 звезды Мишлен о многом говорят… ⠀ Знакомьтесь, самый красивый ресторан Лондона – Sketch! Сохраняйте! На выбор 4 зала с разным дизайном и меню + самый крутой туалет! Не смейтесь, листайте карусель, он действительно «вау». ⠀ В этот раз мы были в The Lecture Room & Library, где, на минуточку, 2 звезды Мишлен (но я об этом не знала)! Всего в Лондоне 10 ресторанов с 2-я звездами Мишлен и всего 3 с 3-мя. ⠀ Можно заказывать по меню, но мы выбрали сет – вегетарианский и рыба/мясо. Кто-нибудь угадает цену за сет из 7 блюд в ресторане с двумя звездами, где один только десерт состоял из 7 десертов (на второй фото в карусели это все один десерт!!!)? Подсказка: я думала такие места обходятся дороже. ⠀ Было действительно очень вкусно! Пожалуй, даже вкуснее всех предыдущих мест в Лондоне. Прекрасное обслуживание и само место просто восторг. А вот что мне особенно понравилось, они сразу уточнили про мою беременность и официант перечислил все продукты, которые мне нельзя, предложил им замену и способ приготовления. Вместо шампанского у меня в бокале вкуснейший газированный виноградный сок из Франции…место очень советую!!! ⠀ Бронировать 100% заранее. #miss_u_uk90210 ⠀ I want to recommend you the most beautiful restaurant in London – Sketch and specialy The Lecture Room & Library with 2 Michelin stars. Wonderful interior, fantastic food and very good service – great in all the aspects. We tried set-menu – vegetarian and meat+fish and it was so delicious! Highly recommend! Book before visit and try The Grand desert!! @sketchlondon #sketchlondon

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В день первой годовщины свадьбы мы узнали о пополнении. Конечно же, это был лучший подарок нам двоим, но не последний сюрприз. Когда я вбила данные в приложение для беременных, то днем Х оказалась дата нашего знакомства. ⠀ Вопросов про 🤰🏼 почему-то много, поэтому обо всем сразу: ⠀ 🇬🇧 7 месяцев, 28 недель. 🇬🇧 Рожать буду в Лондоне, это полностью бесплатно и прекрасные госпиталя. Кто рожал и в Москве и здесь говорят, что здесь как в Лапино, только бесплатно. 🇬🇧Как ведут беременность в России я знаю лишь со слов подруг и сестры, но в Англии к беременным относятся как к здоровым и лишними проверками без причин не балуют. Если есть жалобы, проверят от и до. 🇬🇧На первой встрече с доктором где-то 1,5 часа мы разговаривали про меня, мужа и моих родственников на тему болезней. Я сказала о проблемах с сердцем у бабушки, так мое сердце 20 минут сканировали со всех ракурсов и проверяли каждый клапан. Еще я наврала про анемию чтобы мне проверили витамины в крови)) 🇬🇧Если вы не говорите по-английский, вам бесплатно предоставляется переводчик. 🇬🇧 Обязательных узи только два – 12 и 20 неделя. На 12 проверяют подробно на ряд синдромов, на 20 определяют пол. Все остальные узи только по показаниям. 🇬🇧Здесь можно выбрать кесарево или естественные роды. Для меня здесь выбора нет, только если будут показания к кесарево. 🇬🇧Также можно выбрать где рожать – дома, в госпитале, в воде. В любом случае вас обеспечат врачами и всем необходимым – и домой приедут, и бассейн организуют. 🇬🇧У меня не было токсикоза, мне не тяжело, нет отеков, нет растяжек, на данный момент не ощущаю особой разницы в организме до/сейчас. Единственное наблюдаются пробелы в памяти, «тупнячОк» и излишняя сентиментальность. 🇬🇧Пол ребенка не готова разглашать, но за имя мы боролись как могли… чтобы для трех стран звучало хорошо – Россия, Португалия, Англия. 🇬🇧 Беременных здесь не взвешивают, но на данный момент я +8 кг. Спортом никаким не занимаюсь (здесь нечем гордиться), но я много хожу и образ жизни не отличается от жизни «до». 🇬🇧 День Х здесь называют delivery day – день доставки. ⠀ Что еще интересно? #miss_u_pregnancy90210 ⠀ 📸 Самые ценные фотографии сделала @bulavina

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Продолжение предыдущего текста: Без приключений у нас явно не получается. В машине что-то сломалось и мы дождались брата. Брата иорданца, которого мы знаем ровно час, который предлагает наперед заплатить ему 50$ и тогда завтра он отвезет нас обратно. ⠀ 🏜 Останавливаться в пустыне было не очень…но брат и правда приехал! Он был полная противоположность нашего первого водителя – чистая машина, молчание и внимательное вождение без телефона в руках. ⠀ 💵 Цена туда обратно (граница – отель в Петре – граница) 150$ нас устраивала, ведь это 2 часа пути в каждую сторону. 50$ наперед были уплочены, «расписка» получена. Как думаете, он приехал?🙈🏨 Если вы хотите посетить Петру, то отель надо брать в пешей доступности от нее! Видела много советов в интернете, но вот вообще не вижу смысла тратить время на дорогу утром, ведь в Петру лучше приходить к открытию (6:00). Наш отель The Moon Hotel Petra на букинге 77€ за двоих без завтрака. ⠀ 👍🏼Расположение – 3 минуты от входа, чисто, комфортно, вкусный ужин (12JD/8,5$ с человека). 100% рекомендую. Рядом есть модный Movenpic hotel, цена в 2 раза больше, но ради одной ночи не вижу смысла. ⠀ К сожалению купить билеты в Петру мы не успели…решили раньше лечь спать, т.к. подъем на завтра в 5:00! ⠀ #miss_u_jordan90210

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Welcome to Mauritius 🇲🇺 #miss_u_mauritius90210 ⠀ Почему же Маврикий? Если коротко, то: прямой рейс, красиво, тепло, есть что посмотреть, виза не нужна. Были здесь? Хотите приехать? ⠀ 🌴 Мы летели прямым рейсом из Лондона – 11 часов 20 минут, Air Mauritius- понравилось! ⠀ 🌴Виза для РФ не нужна, на границе заполнить пару бумажек и! важно! не посещать за последние 6 месяцев страны с вирусом Зика (печати не смотрят, рассчитано на честность). ⠀ 🌴Машины на острове в 99% азиатские, руль правый, мы взяли на 6 дней Hyundai, со страховками – около 300€. Остров кажется маленьким, но из-за пробок, бесконечных колец на дорогах и скоростного ограничения на переезды уходит время. ⠀ 🌴Сейчас здесь осень, погода приятная, сильной жары нет, но днем печёт. Океан теплый. ⠀ 🌴Валюта – Маврикийская рупия (1€ = 40 рупий). Наличные деньги иногда нужны (для входа в этот сад, например), снять их здесь в банкомате не так уж и просто. ⠀ 🌴Языки – английский/французский. ⠀ 🌴Розетки европейские. ⠀ 🌴Разница во времени с Москвой +1 час. ⠀ 🌴Страшных/опасных насекомых/акул нет! ⠀ Одежда и обувь отмечены на фото😌 #ekonikaguests #RubanForEkonika

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Почему я не пишу посты неделями, ни с кем не встречаюсь, не отвечаю на сообщения, почему ничего не выкладываю, хотя идей для текстов и фотографий у меня куча?! Да, я чуть забегалась, я устала, я сплю больше обычного, но на самом деле на душе кошки скребут. Сомневалась писать этот текст или нет, но просто ничего другого выдать не могу. Знаете, это глупо находясь в самом счастливом положении, испытывать такие настроения, но видимо что-то оказалось сильнее меня. Жду утверждения про кризис 30 лет, луну с венерой, гормоны, пред/после родовую депрессию 😜но проблема немного в другом, писать об этом я не готова. По инстаграму ведь кажется, что все классно, никто не умирает, все живут счастливой жизнью, поедая эклер в Париже в радостном настроении. У меня сегодня не так. И вчера не так. И позавчера. Обычно я справляюсь с грустью легко, но что-то затянуло и накопилось. Напишите что-нибудь позитивное, мне явно не хватает именно этого❤

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Travelers, Meet Your New Inspiration Thu, 29 Aug 2019 10:36:07 +0000 Traveling is a luxury most of us aspire to experience, but not all of us can afford. What we can do is follow professional travelers on social media and experience some of the fun through their grid. There are plenty of Insta-travelers worthy of following (and envy), but few have raise luxury travel to an […]

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Traveling is a luxury most of us aspire to experience, but not all of us can afford. What we can do is follow professional travelers on social media and experience some of the fun through their grid. There are plenty of Insta-travelers worthy of following (and envy), but few have raise luxury travel to an art form as much as Christina Vidal.

Vidal, also known as Jestset Christina, is a professional top-tier traveler. At 28 years old, she has over 80,000 followers and has traveled to almost 60 countries. She also partners with major brands for marketing campaigns and manages a successful blog where she shares her travel tips, honeymoon ideas, bachelorette party plans and more.

Christina describes her perfect day as involving “a beach, a margarita, and a killer sunset.”, so this career seems to suit her like a glove. But her goal is not to make others jealous or make luxury travel seem unattainable. Her growing community and numerous project are all aimed to help others travel as well. As she herself put it, her aim is to “showcase the world’s most swoon-worthy locales and inspiring the wanderlust in you.”

So why don’t you check out some of her lovely adventures and see if they inspire you to pack a bag and fly away?

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Isn’t Capri a-door-able 💕🌸🍋

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Life is simple. Just add water 💦

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Tullius Heuer’s Art Pops Out Of The Page Tue, 27 Aug 2019 12:07:49 +0000 Some artists are so realistic they seem to pop out of the page. Tullius Heuer’s digital art is just like that – you’ll have to look twice to realize it’s just a painting. And he’s completely self-taught! The Brazilian-born artist was working in IT when he stumbles upon his passion for digital art. “I discovered […]

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Some artists are so realistic they seem to pop out of the page. Tullius Heuer’s digital art is just like that – you’ll have to look twice to realize it’s just a painting. And he’s completely self-taught!

The Brazilian-born artist was working in IT when he stumbles upon his passion for digital art. “I discovered Photoshop at 17 for fun, without even imagining that I could become a professional in the field. The Living Sketches project came about when I was attending a famous art contest site called Worth1000, where I learned to stimulate my creativity,” Heuer told Bored Panda.

Heuer has been honing his skills ever since and is now creating hyper-realistic 3D digital paintings which he shares on his IG account. The stunning creations are not easy to make: it takes about 9 to 10 hours to complete a piece from start to finish. He takes his inspiration from nature and fantasy to create haunting, spooky and sometimes funny images. His style keeps evolving, and there’s no telling what he has in store for us!

Scroll down to check out some of his incredible art.

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This Artist Turns Walls Into 3D Art Wed, 21 Aug 2019 08:16:17 +0000 Graffiti may have started as an underground type of art, but in recent years talented Graffiti artists have been getting the recognition they deserve from the art world. One of this artist is Sergio Odeith, a Portuguese-born street artist, known for his massive three-dimensional street art. Odeith started painting murals back in the 90′ when […]

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Graffiti may have started as an underground type of art, but in recent years talented Graffiti artists have been getting the recognition they deserve from the art world. One of this artist is Sergio Odeith, a Portuguese-born street artist, known for his massive three-dimensional street art.

Odeith started painting murals back in the 90′ when the art form became popular in his country. He started with small, simplistic drawings, and from there moved on to 3D art. He uses a complex technique to make the flat drawing look like 3-dimensional objects, and as time went by, he’s developed his own signature style.

As he gained prominence, Odeith started receiving commissions from cities and major corporations outside of Portugal. Today he’s one of the most prominent figures in the street art scene, with almost half a million followers on Instagram.

His latest work is a mural that covers an old block Wall. Odeith terraformed the blank wall into a 3D painting of an old run-run down bus. His amazing work immediately went viral and received over 150 thousand likes. But that is not his only piece worth mentioning: he also paints fantastic animals, everyday objects on a huge scale, 3D writing and even people. With his brush and paint, he turns the world around him into a weird, exciting fantasy.

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Time takes it all, whether you want it to or not.

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This Mom Turns Her Son’s Meals Into Art Tue, 20 Aug 2019 14:04:09 +0000 As many parents know, getting a kid to eat healthily is no easy feat. For some reason, most children react to healthy, balanced meals as if it were poison. Laleh Mohemdi, a mom from Melbourne, Australia, was facing this exact problem with her son Jacob. But instead of giving up on the healthy food, she […]

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As many parents know, getting a kid to eat healthily is no easy feat. For some reason, most children react to healthy, balanced meals as if it were poison.

Laleh Mohemdi, a mom from Melbourne, Australia, was facing this exact problem with her son Jacob. But instead of giving up on the healthy food, she came up with a new, creative plan: Instead of just putting the food on the plate, she decided to turn it into a game. Before serving him his spelt pancake, she decorated in the shape of a lion.

Jacob loved it, and Laleh stuck with the new routine: Jacob’s meals became a creative playtime for mother and son.

Laleh wanted to share her new found passion with others, so she launched Jacob’s Food Diaries and started documenting and sharing her creation on social media. She immediately gained a huge following of both foodies and art lovers who were mesmerized by her creativity and talent.

Today, four years after that first lion-shaped pancake, Laleh still plays with her food and creates new food art. No two plates are the same, and in each one Laleh has to combine all the meals ingredients into the painting, and still keep it tasty – a challenge she always overcomes.   

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These Artists Turn Personal Stories Into Tattoos Mon, 19 Aug 2019 06:00:24 +0000 Jade Tomlinson and Kevin James have a unique approach to art. The two artists from the art collective Expanded Eye, and they will create with – or on – anything. They create sculptures, paintings, street art and more using anything from paint to scraps to metals and wood scraps. Their style can’t be mistaken for […]

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Jade Tomlinson and Kevin James have a unique approach to art. The two artists from the art collective Expanded Eye, and they will create with – or on – anything. They create sculptures, paintings, street art and more using anything from paint to scraps to metals and wood scraps. Their style can’t be mistaken for anything else – inspired by 20th artists such as Picasso and Dali, they use geometric shapes, color blocks and surrealistic illustrations to create a new and exciting form of visual storytelling.

But their single most unique projects don’t involve paint and canvas, but ink and skin. A couple of years back, the couple decided to expand to tattoo design. Their tattoos, like their paintings and sculptures, aren’t just beautiful – they’re there to tell a story.

Getting an Expanded Eye tattoo isn’t an easy process. The couple views their tattoo designs as works of art and picks their clients carefully. Potential clients send a personal story about their past, and if the couple finds it interesting, they design a tattoo that embodies that story. They do not change any design once it’s done, and they only make one design per person.

The result is stunning works of art that tell a person’s story better than word ever can.

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This Baker Makes Cakes That Look Like Anything But Wed, 14 Aug 2019 14:27:51 +0000 Who doesn’t like cake? They’re delicious, festive and beautiful. For Yolanda Gammp, though, cakes are so much more than that – they’re art. Yolanda is a self-taught cake artist, who makes novelty cakes – basically, sculptures made out of cake. You can see that type of cake in special events: cakes that look like Christmas […]

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Who doesn’t like cake? They’re delicious, festive and beautiful. For Yolanda Gammp, though, cakes are so much more than that – they’re art. Yolanda is a self-taught cake artist, who makes novelty cakes – basically, sculptures made out of cake. You can see that type of cake in special events: cakes that look like Christmas trees, cute animals, fairies and even Disney characters.

But Yolanda isn’t your average cake artist: she has a passion for making cakes that look like everyday objects. Instead of animals and fairies, she makes cakes that look like poke balls, hamburgers, designer bags, and perfume bottles.

In 2015, Yolanda decided to take the next step with her passion and launched a YouTube channel named How to Cake It, where she uploads videos of her baking process and shares baking tips and trick with her audience. Unlike other TV chefs and bakers, Yolanda doesn’t try to keep a tight, professional image, and lets her bubbly personality shine. She doesn’t hide her mistakes, jokes around with her cameraman and producer and smiles, laughs and dances constantly.

Her incredible skills and fresh attitude turned her into a hug star. She has a massive IG following, her own line of products and a cookbook, and she even appeared on hit TV shows like Nailed It and Food Wars.  

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This Artist Turns Old Jeans Into Art Tue, 13 Aug 2019 12:10:47 +0000 Ian Berry makes paintings, but he isn’t a painter. The Sweden-based British artist uses a unique material to create his “paintings” – denim. He makes gorgeous, blue-tinted pieces completely out of different types and shades of this everyday fabric. Berry’s love affair with denim started one day when he went to visit his childhood home […]

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Ian Berry makes paintings, but he isn’t a painter. The Sweden-based British artist uses a unique material to create his “paintings” – denim. He makes gorgeous, blue-tinted pieces completely out of different types and shades of this everyday fabric.

Berry’s love affair with denim started one day when he went to visit his childhood home and found an old, worn pair of jeans that were about to be thrown out. The young artist, who’d been looking for new ways to create art, recognized an opportunity to make something completely new with the unwanted jeans, and immediately started experimenting with it and with other pieces of denim. He eventually developed his own special technique of manipulating the fabric and turning it into paintings of landscapes, people and objects.

The process isn’t an easy one – after planning his next piece and gathering enough fabric, Berry starts a process of cutting, bleaching, sewing and gluing together hundreds of tiny pieces. Each piece takes weeks to complete.

The final result isn’t only fun to look at but is also extremely impressive. Berry’s attention to details and meticulous work process result in almost photo-realistic images, with the unique texture and feel of denim. Scroll down to check out his works.

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The result will be unveiled next week! Finally.

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If This Blogger Doesn’t Inspire Tou to Travel, Nothing Will Mon, 12 Aug 2019 12:03:11 +0000 Who doesn’t fantasize about dropping everything and going someplace far every once in a while? But most of us never act on these feelings – it’s just too scary. Liz Carlson, the woman behind the Young Adverturess IG account, did just that. Liz basically stumbles upon her nomad lifestyle. As a young college graduate, she […]

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Who doesn’t fantasize about dropping everything and going someplace far every once in a while? But most of us never act on these feelings – it’s just too scary. Liz Carlson, the woman behind the Young Adverturess IG account, did just that.

Liz basically stumbles upon her nomad lifestyle. As a young college graduate, she decided to take a break, put life on hold and travel to Spain for a while. She’d figure her next move there, she thought.

After three years of teaching English in Spain, Liz realized this was her career. After a short stay in the States, she launched her blog, packed her bags and left to New Zealand. Now, five years later, she’s still living her dream. She lives in a tiny village in New Zealand on goes on adventures from there. She documents her adventures on her blog and jaw-dropping IG account.

Liz is also a storyteller with a unique voice. She likes to share her stories with the world, with other travelers and with adventure-lovers at home. She also shares her travel tips with her followers, so that they can plan their own adventures in the best and easiest way possible. If Liz’s story doesn’t inspire you to travel, nothing will.  

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Greetings from your favorite pesky blogger 😭 ever since the #chefgate of the past few days, I’ve done some pondering and dwelling on the idea of integrity, respect and resilience, three things that are fundamentally important to me, and whether I should have shared my experience publicly or not. Ultimately I decided to because at the end of the day, my loyalty will always lay with you guys, my followers. If that means risking my professional reputation, I will ⭐ I’ve spent close to a decade building this community (and my blog) based entirely on trust. I am nothing without you. You can always trust me to tell the truth, be honest. I will never stop working to earn your respect, and I won’t let you down 🤗 I will always stand by my words, live with integrity and stick up for what I think is important, even if it’s not popular. Secondly, I want to thank you guys for being there for me over and over again. I’m supremely lucky to have a massive squad of supporters I can count on, most people don’t. So now I want to speak to people here who have ever felt like they’re being bullied or shamed, please try to look towards your own community for support when you feel low – don’t keep it in. And you can come to me too. I’ll always be on your team, on your side. You guys have always been there for me, and I’ll be there for you. Don’t ignore it and let it eat at you, and if you feel strong enough, stand up for yourself and others. Live with courage and kindness ❤ #kiakaha

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This Chef Creates Yummy, Healthy Recipes Anybody Can Make Sun, 11 Aug 2019 10:18:00 +0000 As much as we love a good food IG account, it’s hard to be a foodie and remain healthy. The most mouth-watering food isn’t always the best thing for us. So how do we manage a healthy, balanced diet and a passion for food? It’s actually pretty simple – by following Lucia Lee. Lee is […]

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As much as we love a good food IG account, it’s hard to be a foodie and remain healthy. The most mouth-watering food isn’t always the best thing for us. So how do we manage a healthy, balanced diet and a passion for food? It’s actually pretty simple – by following Lucia Lee.

Lee is a chef and minimalist, and she combined those two loves by creating simple, healthy, and easy recipes that also look good and taste amazing. Her inspiration comes from everywhere – from Asian to American cuisine and from high-end, sophisticated courses to simple street-food.

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Broiled baby eggplants with roasted sungolds, drizzled with garlic-infused honey, toasted pine nuts, torn mint and urfa pepper. __________________ Eggplant: Cut a few baby eggplants (sometimes called Indian eggplants) in half, then score in a criss-cross pattern with a paring knife. Sprinkle kosher salt generously all over cut side and let sit for about 30+ min. to draw out excess moisture and bitterness. Rinse under cold water and pat dry. Drizzle or spray neutral oil all over eggplants. Broil, cut side up, on high for about 3-4 inches from the heat source until eggplants are golden brown and a little charred in some spots. Meanwhile, toss a few handfuls of sungold tomatoes in oil and roast in the oven (until slightly bursting) on a lower rack while the eggplants are broiling. Remove everything from oven and let cool a bit. __________________ Drizzle garlic-infused honey over everything, sprinkle on some seat salt + smoky urfa pepper. Add on some torn mint + toasted pine nuts. Serve at room temp as is or with yogurt. __________________ Garlic-infused honey: Peel and smash a few cloves of garlic, keeping them mostly in large pieces. Mix and cover with about a cup of honey (preferably raw) in a clean jar. Infuse for an hour or for a few days on the countertop. You’ll have a lot of infused honey left–use on pizza, roasted meats and vegetables. If you’re iffy about leaving the garlic-honey on your countertop, feel free to refrigerate it. But take the honey out of the fridge and bring it to room temp so it’s easier to drizzle.

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The results are awe-inspiring. She uses fresh, healthy ingredients to create well-balanced dishes, but she doesn’t stop there: the dishes are gorgeous to look at. We can scroll through her grid all day long and not get tired of it (but we will probably get hungry).

Lee wants to spread her love of yummy, healthy food, so she doesn’t just upload photos of her creations to Instagram – she also shares the recipe of each and every dish! In the spirit of her account, those recipes are easy to follow and use basic ingredients that are available in every supermarket. Even someone with no cooking experience whatsoever can make them and have a lovely meal.   

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