
Japanese Teacher Draws Amazing Chalkboard Art to Motivate Students

Sometimes teachers are ready to go to great lengths in order to motivate their students, and Japanese art teacher Naohiko is the best example of that. Naohiko decided to inspire his class to take...

Artist Creates New Species of Animals Through Photoshop

Arne Olav Gurvin Fredriksen is a Norwegian electronics engineer who creates animal hybrid photos as a hobby. Fredriksen combines different species of animals to create new and strange creatures.  He has been making new “breeds”...

Spanish Street Artist Makes Trees Grow from Bricks

Spanish artist named Pejac travels the worlds creating street art. He often includes natural elements and makes hybrid structures. Recently, he's been working on the streets of New York, and below is his work. Using...

Mom Makes Adorable Snacks the Most Adorable Snacks

Well-presented food is very important, especially if you have a picky eater at home. However, food presentation is considered an art of modifying, processing, arranging, or decorating food to enhance its aesthetic appeal. While...

These Stop-Motion Animations Will Blow Your Mind

Evan Hilton, a.k.a hiltonic_ on Instagram is a 23-year-old self-taught animator from Jacksonville Beach, Florida, best known for his stop-motion videos. His unique thought process that blends cutting-edge ideas with family-friendly whimsy, resulting in creatively...

Children’s Illustrations Turns into Adorable Jewelry

Several years ago, Turkish jewelry company Tasarım Takarım came up with a unique inspiration for their new line of jewelry; children's illustration. The company used several doodles made by kids as a blueprint and...

These Innovative Lightweight Structures Offer Out-of-this-World Experience

Architect Marc Fornes and his studio, TheVeryMany, have been innovating ultra-thin lightweight structures, pavilions, public artworks that provide otherworldly experience for its visitors for ten years now. Their latest artwork, titled Boolean Operator (named after...

Thomas Deininger Creates Tricky Sculptural Assemblages

Thomas Deininger is a talented artist from Bristol, Rhode Island who creates impressive optical illusions through his sculptural assemblages. He started making artworks from found objects in 1994 when he was "experimenting with the...

Digital Artist Creates Mashups of Classic Art And Modern Pop Culture

Hayati'nin Evreni is a visual designer from Cyprus. He has been interested in Photoshop and paintings for many years now and he finds inspiration by the people he sees every day. One of his works...

Artist Inserts Cartoons into Real-World Situations

Marty Cooper is a storyboard artist who has been "aug-dementing reality since '13". We love the way he plays with ordinary surroundings by adding animated characters. He draws his cartoons on transparent plastic and from...