
Embroidery Artist Uses Cascading Threads to Create Amazing Portraits

Last year, embroidery artist Sheena Liam made a buzz in the craft world with her one-of-a-kind creation that focuses on flowing hairstyles. She creates amazing portraits of women with long thread tresses that cascade from...

Images That Capture The Special Bond Between Dogs and Humans

The Italian photographers Emanuela Colombo and Mario Forcherio started photographing people with dogs back in 2009, with the mission to show how special their bond is. Dogs and Us Photography is a series they...

Gorillas Pose With Park Rangers In Heartwarming Photos

Virunga National Park in the Democratic Republic of the Congo is a UNESCO world heritage site. It’s also the home of around one-third of the world’s population of endangered mountain gorillas. These animals are...

Poosac Is a Brand That Makes Odd-Looking, Incredibly Sweet Toys

Poosac, a brand owned by Kim Smith, is making odd-looking dolls that we couldn’t help but love at first sight. Kim shares them on Instagram with nearly 60,000 followers and sells them on Etsy. “I’ve...

This Illustrator Will Make $700,000 This Year Thanks to Instagram

Meet Jamel Saliba - the woman behind Melsy’s Illustrations, who turned her Instagram account into a very profitable business. Her incredible talent and business sense gained Saliba 123,000 followers and thanks to this she is projected to...

There’s an Instagram Account Dedicated Only to Hot Dudes With Dogs!

Gather ladies, we deliver your new favorite Instagram account. Who doesn't love got dudes with dogs? This is the Insta gem that combines those two precious things. And what's even better, there is constantly...

French Artist is Morphing Famous Faces Together

A French student, who goes by the name of Morphy_me, became an Instagram sensation after sharing his amazing creations with the world. He, or she, is merging the faces of celebrities into one image and the results...

Meet Rexie, The Adorable Emoji Handicat

Cats have different personalities, some playful, while others are grumpy. Nonetheless, they are always loveable. This adorable kitty is one with an awesome personality. Meet Rexie, the emoji handicat. This cute bundle of joy has only two...

Hilarious Instagram Account That Documents Ugly Houses

Instagram is a place where everyone shares gorgeous photos of their perfect lives. Belgian Instagrammer Hannes Coudenys, however, decided to do something completely different – he’s documenting a somewhat uglier side of the world. In...

Adorable Paper Art Made From Hundreds Of Strips of Paper

California-based artist, Zahra Ammar, is in love with paper and she uses its versatility and form to create some stunning works of art. Ammar combines different techniques such as quilling, kirigami, and modular origami and she learned...