23-Year-Old Girl Completes a Trip across the US on Roller Skates

Traveling across the country is never an easy task, no matter which method of transportation you use. Now imagine going from one end of United States to other on roller skates and doing so without any money? You may think this is impossible, but one 23-year-old girl just did that.

Seven months ago, Hong Kong-native Yanise Ho decided to take a trip from Miami to Portland taking just a pair of Rollerblades and a 43-pound backpack. She also didn’t bring any money and relied on the help of strangers to provide her shelter and food.

During her almost 4000 miles long trip, Ho faces with numerous challenges including heavy rains and severe heat, but nothing managed to get her off track and she recently successfully completed her journey.

This brave young woman documented every step of the journey using an improvised selfie stick and brought back lots of interesting footage.

You can check out some of that footage as well as find out more about her story below.