Amy Genser’s paper art is simultaneously irregular and ordered, reminding of aerial landscape views, satellite imagery, and biological cellular processes. Taking note from nature itself – of natural formations and organic processes – Genser wants her work to be “perfectly imperfect.” “I love all kinds of organic processes,” she explained in an interview with Zoneone Arts. “They are visually intriguing and engaging.”
Her inspiration might come from the flow of water, the shape of beehives, or the organic irregularity of plants, flowers, rock formations, barnacles, moss, and seaweed. “I love watching the water, the rocks, and the light,” she says. “Our beach has rocks with these really neat barnacles and seaweed. Their colors are always changing. Sometimes there’s a lot of it, and sometimes just a little. It’s neat to watch the progression. One day when the seaweed was purple, brown, yellow and green, my husband made the awesome observation that nature never clashes. I love that.”
Much like her careful observation of nature, her take on paper art is original in and of itself. Treating paper as a pigment, Genser constructs her pieces by layering, cutting, rolling, and combining paper. The result is striking pieces that explore the ways in which texture, pattern, and color communicate with each other.
Enjoy some of her paper art in the gallery below.