Kiko Yamada, aka Ninja Sketch, is an artist from Maui, Hawaii, who creates funny caricature portraits for people who can take jokes at their expense. Yamada often shares her finished pieces as well as the reactions of her clients on TikTok, with social media users loving her videos.
Yamada comes from a family of artists, with her mother being an illustrator for children’s books and her father working as an illustrator in the advertisement sector. Yamada herself has worked in caricature for 14 years, and her skills and talent are shown in every one of her pieces.
Through her clips, Yamada captures the joy of working with a diverse group of clients and shows how amused they are by her results. While most of Yamada’s pieces contain more or less subtle jokes at their expense, the clients are always impressed and prompted to laugh by her creations.
TikTok users are also impressed by Yamada’s works, letting the artist know how entertaining her pieces are while also praising her skills.
“You are a fantastic artist. love your compositions,” one person commented.
Some even say that they want to go to Hawaii just to a caricature from Yamada.
“I wanna go to Maui just for this!!” another person shared.
Scroll down to check out more of Yamada’s works and reactions from her clients.