This Captain Ahab Figurine is Made of Polymer Clay

Ryan Friant is a crafter who’s inspired by fantasy art, mythology, and fairytales. He makes hand-made polymer clay figurines.

“When I started hand-making polymer clay art dolls and pulling in all of these early influences that have stuck with me, I realized that I could make my sketches come to life, feel more like a complete reality than I ever could with two-dimensional art,” Friant shared. “I’ve had numerous sketches similar to the image I created for my Captain Ahab piece, Ode to Obsession, for years. I’ve been intending to make a Captain Ahab portrait and actually read Herman Melville’s Moby Dick for years.”

After reading the book, the artist was inspired to make a Moby Dick-inspired art dolls.

Scroll down and check out Friant’s version of Captain Ahab. Don’t forget to follow the arrows for more cool images.