This Pizza Place Offers a Cheeseburger Topped Pizza

Pizza topped with cheeseburgers sounds something like a foodie’s dream, right? Well, what if we told you that there is a place you can try this epic meal?

Krave It Sandwich Shop & Eatery in Queens, New York is famous in the foodie circles as a place where you can get crazy pizzas. The owner, Vishee Mandahar, wanted to offer people something different, so he pushes his staff to get creative with the ideas for new pizzas which resulted in pizzas topped with fried eggs, tater tots, and even Cool Ranch Doritos. Now, they are ready to wow you with their cheeseburger topped pizza.

Krave It creates this meal by putting cheese, tiny patties, French fries and fried eggs on the pizza dough. On the other side, burger buns get topped with cheese and bacon. Tiny patties then get covered with the buns with hamburger sauce acting as a final touch. And then you eat the whole thing.

In case you are curious how cheeseburger topped pizza looks like, check out the video below.