Artist Combines Classic Paintings and Pop Culture

Image via The Gnarled Branch/Facebook

David Irvine is an artist/crafter who is the genius behind the online shop, The Gnarled Branch, famous for its redirected thrift store paintings and many unique crafts.

The idea was born in 2004 when Irvine repaired a discarded wooden table and transformed it into a beautiful functional art. The positive comments from his family and friends paved the way for Irvine to expand from traditional art into making furniture art. He also tried doing painting glass ornaments and when his wife was amazed by his unique artworks, they decided to start a business, thus the Gnarled Branch was created.

“David’s quirky and very popular style is created by repurposing unwanted prints or original art from thrift stores or found at yard sales and painted upon using his own style of creativity. Seemingly random subject matter including pop cultural references, political comment, the camp and the absurd, often combining all these elements to create truly original art pieces,” according to his Facebook page.