Danielle Clough Adds a Colorful Twist to the Craft of Embroidery

Danielle Clough’s embroideries are a triple threat: unique for their chosen subjects, vibrant colors, and original techniques. Embroidered on anything from cloth to fences and tennis rackets, her work adds a contemporary twist to the otherwise traditional form of craft making.

“Most of my pieces vary, but for my ideal piece, I start by taking a photograph of the subject, and then I edit the image —for me, contrast is really important, as are the colors— and then I usually work from a black-and-white reference,” relayed Clough in an interview with Rebel Girls Boundless. “I trace the line work onto whatever surface I’m embroidering on, and then I start ‘coloring it in’ with thread. I just think of it as, you know, tracing and coloring in. Which is like a child’s dream.”

Born in Cape Town, Clough completed her studies in art direction and graphic design at The Red and Yellow School before carving herself a niche in visual art, digital design, and “thing-making.” Her career path is as diverse as her creative interests, having worked in photography, graphic design, and VJing, before fully committing herself to the art of embroiderer.

Her career choice seems to have worked out for the best, with clients that include brands like Gucci, Adobe, and Nike, as well as renowned actress Drew Barrymore; and features in publications like the New York Times and the Evening Standard.

Follow her creative endeavors on Instagram.