Everyone and Their Mother is Obsessed with Glen Powell’s Dog Brisket

Glen Powell and Brisket at the "Twisters" Premiere in Los Angeles in July 2024
Glen Powell and Brisket at the "Twisters" Premiere in Los Angeles in July 2024. Photo by Kevin Parry/Shutterstock (14581359cw)

Every once in a while, we get a celebrity pet so adorable they’re destined to become a star in their own right – and Glen Powell’s dog Brisket is one such pet. He stole the show from his famous owner time and time again during the promo tour for his latest box-office hit Twisters.

Despite not appearing in Twisters for a single second, Brisket became somewhat of the film’s unofficial mascot, and that’s not a coincidence. He adopted him while filming this project, after feeling a sudden urge to take care of someone.

“I was going through a breakup at the time and was in the middle of Enid, Oklahoma, and I had always wanted a dog. It was something I thought about a lot, but it was somewhere in this coffee shop in Enid…. I don’t even know how to describe it, I just had the desire to be a father,” he told Entertainment Weekly.

Powell took the weekend off filming to fly from Oklahoma to Los Angeles and adopt Brisket from the Labelle Foundation. He quickly became everyone’s favorite crew member on the set of Twisters and brought everyone closer together. Once the film finally came out, Powell decided to honor his pet by bringing him along for a promo tour, and Brisket joined him during several red carpet events, photoshoots, and interviews in recent weeks.