Oftentimes, the most relatable form of art is the simplest one. Case in point:
Lily Kong’s illustrations. Resembling something a child might draw using Microsoft Paint, her creations look like illustrated memes.
“I believe good work should be relatable,” said Kong in an interview with It’s Nice That. “I would love it if someone would laugh about my piece ‘I got slapped real hard’, saying things like ‘Hell yes I got that too!’. Hopefully, we all get some comfort knowing people have experienced the same thing, gain a little courage and move on.”
Talking about her creative process, she explained: “I first record and reflect on whatever I have been doing, for example, climbing on my friend’s back when drunk, growing a cactus at home which almost died, sending a text to friends claiming I was OK when I was not. Sometimes these negative thoughts come to me and I wished I could be cheered up.”
Check out some of Kong’s creations in the gallery below.