“People I’ve Loved” Illustrations Feel Like a Hug From an Old Friend

Image via peopleiveloved/Instagram

Instagram can often feel like a toxic and overwhelming place, so it’s always comforting to stumble upon pages that make you feel less alone. People I’ve Loved is one of them, and their uplifting, gently honest illustrations feel like a hug from an old friend.

People I’ve Loved was founded by Carissa Potter, who used to work at Colpa Press before deciding to start a company of her own. Over a decade had passed since, and she gathered a group of talented artists around her, who are running People I’ve Loved by each other’s side.

People I’ve Loved illustrations are created with one goal in mind – facilitating connection between people and helping them search for the miraculous yet tragic definition of what it means to exist in this time and space.

“Giving in to nostalgic thoughts, buried longings, and hope for the future—People I’ve Loved embraces the whole range of human emotion. We revel in the grey areas and want to make space for your tears and your joy, in equal measure,” reads Potter’s official website.

Potter’s comforting illustrations attracted over 900,000 followers to People I’ve Loved’s Instagram page, and this brand is now selling everything from prints and greeting cards to journals and notebooks inspired by their art.