Beauty might not be defined by your size, but in the case of one tiny pupster—size makes all the difference. When you consider his miniature size, Chihuahua Cedric is making quite a splash online, amassing some 60,000 followers on Instagram.
His posts most often reference his size, as he stands beside various fruits and vegetables. Larger than an apple, his size might be compared to that of a pineapple. The delicate pooch is often seen sticking his tongue out, or stretching his paw out for a high-five.
According to Cedric’s owners, he was actually left last in his litter because of his (rather adorable) overbite. “I was the last puppy left in the litter that no one wanted because I have a severe overbite,” said Cedrick in an interview with Dog Whisperer HQ. “My humans knew my biological father and that’s how they learned about me. They had been wanting a small dog that they could easily travel with.”
“When they first saw me in person, they were surprised,” noted the pup. “I had seemed much bigger in the photos and videos. They were terrified that they would accidentally step on me or hurt me. We got to know each other over a few weeks and they stopped worrying as they saw I was very smart and careful.”
We can’t think of one good reason for not following tiny Cedric. Recent videos include comparisons between Cedric and Easter eggs and a compilation of impressive dog tricks he’s learned over the years.