Maine’s Abigail Halpin is a prolific artist who’s especially renowned for her beautiful depictions of natural scenes and book illustrations. She has worked with industry giants such as Simon & Schuster, Random House, Penguin Books, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, and Galison/Mudpuppy.
Halpin’s work spans many mediums, from illustration and mixed media embroidery to surface design and more. When asked by Swatch and Repeat which form of expression she considers her main, she replied, “Definitely illustration. It’s always been my first love and everything has flowed out of that.” She added: ”I love a good story, and I think that’s ultimately what I’m trying to do in any work I make: tell a tale, which is at the heart of illustration.”
While the subject of her art is often as diverse as the different mediums she employs, one motif that keeps reoccurring is nature. “I’m inspired by landscapes, particularly the flora and fauna of New England,” Halpin explained.
“The books I read (especially mystery novels) definitely shape my work, as well as music. I’ve also been increasingly interested in heritage. It’s something I’ve been exploring after a trip to Ireland last year,” she named further sources of inspiration.
Halpin’s Instagram page is a great place to sample the many different styles of art she applies. But regardless of the medium, they all look wonderful!