Uncovered Missing Purse Gives a Glimpse of Teen Girl’s Life in the 1950s

Clear Creek Independent School District (CCISD) recently shared an unusual story on their social media that quickly captivated national attention. According to CCISD, the contractors working on a renovation of an old high-school building in League City recently uncovered a missing purse that dates back to the 1950s.

The purse belonged to a high school student Beverly Williams and represented a perfect time capsule that showed how a teen girl’s life looked back then. The purse contained several items, including a wallet, which proved to be the most valuable discovery. In it were a number of photographs as well as diary entries and notes.

“There was a mini calendar, and the dates and entries stopped in April 1959, so we assume it was lost in April 1959,” said CCISD’s Erika Fernandez.

The diary entries were particularly telling as Williams described her everyday events, her love life, and more.

“It was like we were living through somebody’s social media page of today,” added Sarah Osborne, League City’s director of communications.

Shortly after making the discovery, the CCISD managed to discover more about the teenager that owned the purse. It turned out that Williams married in 1963 and had nine children. She passed away in 2016 at the age of 70. CCISD passed the contents of the purse to one of her daughters.