Canadian Artist Turns Classical Paintings Into Pop Art

Andrea Tamme is a digital artist from Canada who became popular on social media thanks to her impressive artistic skills and creativity. If you visit her Instagram, where she’s known as Lothlenan, you can see how she turned some well-known classical paintings into modern works of art. The result is more than amazing and we guess that 45k people who follow Lothlenan’s work think the same.

We chose some of her illustrations for you to see – enjoy!

Self-Portrait With Her Daughter by Vigée Le Brunpaints As Neo Queen Serenity And Small Lady

Prominent French portrait painter, Vigée Le Brunpaints, made a painting of herself together with her daughter Julie in 1789. Her artistic style is described as a mixture of Neoclassical and Rococo elements.

God Speed by Edmund Leighton As Princess Zelda And Link

Painted in 1900, God Speed depicts an armored knight departing to war and leaving his love behind. It’s painted by Edmund Leighton, an English painter specializing in Regency and medieval subjects.

Le Printemps by Pierre Auguste Cot As Princess Bubblegum And Marceline

Le Printemps is the most famous work of a French painter Pierre Auguste Cot. It features a young couple enjoying on a swing, while Andrea Tamme’s recreation depicts Princess Bubblegum and Marceline.

The Scream by Edvard Munch As Rick and Morty

The iconic painting The Scream created by Norwegian Expressionist artist Edvard Munch became one of the most famous works of art. The original German title given by the artist is actually Der Schrei der Natur, which means “The Scream of Nature”.