Chef Makes Ice Cream From a 350-Year-Old Recipe

Although it sounds a bit unbelievable, ice cream has been around for more than 2,500 years, with historical research showing that the summer treat was first made 500BC in ancient Persia. Thanks to the evolution of technology and the fact that its recipe has been perfected through thousands of years, we can safely say that today’s ice cream is as good as it ever was in the history of humankind.

But, did you ever had an itch to find out how ice cream tasted like 350 years ago? Well, popular YouTube channel Tasty decided to answer this question in their recent video. They got their hands onto an ice cream recipe from the mid-1660s and followed it step by step in order to find out how 17th-century ice cream compares to 21st-century ice cream.

If you are also eager to find this out, check out Tasty’s video below.