Man Wants to Visit all 50 States and Mow Lawns for Free

Photo by Rémi Müller on Unsplash

When Rodney Smith Jr. moved to the US ten years ago, he did so to pursue higher education and to find a job. What he found instead was a higher calling that elevated him to heights he didn’t believe he could reach.

Upon seeing how many people are in need of help, he took it upon himself to mow their lawns – for free! And not only that – he decided he wants to visit all 50 states and spread awareness. And so far – he’s progressing quite nicely.

South Carolina, where he’s currently at, is his 22nd stop, meaning that he’s halfway to reaching his ultimate goal. It all began when he saw an elderly man struggling to mow his lawn. Rodney immediately jumped out of the car and helped him and it sparked an idea. That idea of benevolence transformed into Raising Men Lawn Care, a charity organization founded by Rodney himself in 2016. What are the goals of the organization?

To assemble as many people as possible and mow the lawns of veterans, single moms, the disabled and the elderly. People like Rodney really restore some faith in mankind! Much luck to him and may he complete his journey.