Getting kids to have a balanced diet is always a challenge. They shun most types of food, especially veggies, and if it were up to them, they would have candy for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks.
Food artist Sarah Lescrauwaet-Beach came up with an amazing way to add more variety to her kids’ meals and make them excited about it; she started creating edible food art for kids. Lescrauwaet-Beach is regularly sharing her creations on Instagram, hoping to inspire other parents and give them ideas for food art they can create themselves.
Lescrauwaet-Beach mainly uses fruit, veggies, seeds, and nuts for her food art. She arranges them to create depictions of all sorts of cool characters, ranging from characters from Disney animated movies to cute animals. This way, every meal or snack turns into a visual adventure for her kids.
According to Lescrauwaet-Beach, making food art has some added benefits aside from putting a smile on her kids’ faces. It became a way to express her creativity while also being a relaxing activity.
Lescrauwaet-Beach shares her food art through the Edible Food Art For Kids page on Instagram, where she has 245K followers. Scroll down to check out more of her inspiring and delicious-looking creations.