This is How You Make Huge Froot Loops Donuts

Image via HellthyJunkFood/Instagram

Fast food chains Carl’s Jr. and Hardee’s recently presented an exciting new item; Froot Loops mini donuts. The donuts were inspired by favorite cereal, Froot Loops, and according to reviews, they also have the same taste as their cereal counterparts. But what if the mini is just not good enough for you, and you want to take it one step further? Then a video from HellthyJunkFood might help.

After JP and his girlfriend Julia, the faces of the HellthyJunkFood YouTube channel, were not impressed with the size of the Froot Loops donuts they bought, the couple decided to make a lot bigger version of their own. Surprisingly, it turns out that it isn’t all that complicated to pull this off and almost anyone can make their own Froot Loops giant donuts. For detailed instructions, check out their video below.