Mexican Artist Transforms Cloud Shapes Into Animal Illustrations

Clouds can take all sorts of shapes, and they often remind us of something familiar. While most of us just snap a photo to share it with friends, Mexican artist Monse Ascencio is snapping photos of these cloud shapes so she can transform them into illustrations.

Ascencio’s Instagram profile is full of cloud photos that have been reimagined as animals. She uses the shape of the cloud as a starting point before adding her creativity to the mix to make captivating scenes of flying dogs, elephants holding balloons, and bears chilling in a swim ring.

What makes Ascencio’s works fascinating is the fact that she usually creates them on her smartphone. When she spots a cloud that reminds her of an animal, she takes a photo and immediately starts drawing on it using a drawing app.

According to Ascencio, clouds have been capturing her imagination since she was a child, and she has always liked to imagine different animals that correspond to their shapes. Nowadays, gazing into the sky not only provides her inspiration for cool illustrations but also serves as a relaxing activity.

“It’s a good way to disconnect from today’s fast-paced life, and enjoy simple and beautiful things like looking up at the sky and seeing there’s a whole universe waiting to be discovered,” Ascencio shared in a recent interview with Bored Panda.