“Sea Walls: Artists for Oceans” by the Hawaiian-based non-profit organization PangeaSeed is the project we all need to learn from. This amazing organization is aiming to save oceans by raising awareness through art. The gorgeous sea wall murals are painted by amazing artists around the globe, who are all willing to help the cause in the best way they can. The good thing is that each one of us can get educated on the things we can do by visiting their official website.
“The beauty of public art lies in the fact that it is a public good where even ‘non-artsy’ folks can be touched and empowered by experiencing the process or the finished product. In addition to encouraging other artists to create for a purpose, our chief goal is to effect positive behavioral change at the individual and community level, so we’re thrilled when fans who aren’t artistically inclined are moved.”- PangeaSeed founder Tré Packard told Colossal .
Check out the fabulous walls below and get inspired to save oceans!
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Today is World Turtle Day and to celebrate @pangeaseed Foundation is sharing one of our favorite sea turtle inspired @seawalls_ Artists for Oceans murals created by supporting ARTivist @midas.kid (Indonesia) in collaboration with @tropicafestival. . Did you know, the oldest known sea turtle fossils date back about 150 million years, making them some of the oldest creatures on Earth? Just for some context, dinosaurs became extinct 65 million years ago. . Though six of the seven species of sea turtles, including this loggerhead hatchling, are threatened or endangered at the hand of humans. . Sadly, the fact is that they face many dangers as they travel the seas including accidental capture, pollution and entanglement in fishing gear. Plus the loss of nesting and feeding sites to coastal development, poaching, and ocean pollution. . Imagine an ocean where this is the last sea turtle. We must view these animals in a new light and understand they are incredibly important for the health of the ocean ecosystem. . Please visit PangeaSeed.org to learn how you can help save our oceans. . #pangeaseed #seawalls #artivism #paintforapurpose #protectwhatyoulove #streetart #oceansmatter #ocean #art #seaturtle #honu #worldturtleday
A post shared by Sea Walls: Artists for Oceans (@seawalls_) on May 23, 2019 at 7:11pm PDT
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"My Freedom Becomes Your Freedom" by supporting ARTivist @dolphina.lovestofly (Mexico) for @pangeaseed Foundation's latest edition of our international public art program, @seawalls_ Artists for Oceans in partnership with @proyectopanorama. . Location: Cozumel, Mexico | 20.4230° N, 86.9223° W . Swipe 👈🏽 to view process and detail photos. . Mural theme: Dolphin captivity . Artist statement: “My mural aims to address the subject of freedom, a right we all have as living beings. Marine mammal captivity interrupts the natural cycle and goes against what their free instincts require. We, as humans, have the power to return them to their natural habitat to let them reclaim their freedom they are entitled to simply because they are part of the earth and not a touristic object. . Dolphinaria profit at the cost of the freedom of these beautiful creatures. In some countries around the world, they are banned but much remains to be done to give these animals a voice, including in Mexico. Here, we have 31 SEMARNAT-registered dolphinaria in the states of Quintana Roo, Veracruz, Baja California Sur, Nayarit, and swimming with captive dolphins continues to be on the to-do lists of national and international tourists.” . PC: @abovebelowphoto . Gracias to @mexicobienhecho for sponsoring all of our acrylic paint and materials for Sea Walls Cozumel. . #pangeaseed #seawalls #cozumel #seawallscozumel #protectwhatyoulove #ARTivism #paintforapurpose #proyectopanorama
A post shared by Sea Walls: Artists for Oceans (@seawalls_) on May 20, 2019 at 10:21pm PDT
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"Litanía" by supporting ARTivist @secretorebollo (Mexico) for @pangeaseed Foundation's latest edition of our international public art program, @seawalls_ Artists for Oceans in partnership with @proyectopanorama. . Location: Cozumel, Mexico | 20.4230° N, 86.9223° W . Swipe 👈🏽 to view process and detail photos. . Mural theme: Overfishing . Artist statement: “I use the golden line as a symbol for overfishing and the damage it causes. Thus, it pierces the hand, the fish, and the heart of the figure, seeking to make the viewer aware of the immeasurable harm it brings to your environment, yourself, and what you love. . I hope that the mural’s message will be replicated, that it generates an echo, like its title, 'Litany'.” . PC: @abovebelowphoto . Gracias to @mexicobienhecho for sponsoring all of our acrylic paint and materials for Sea Walls Cozumel. . #pangeaseed #seawalls #cozumel #seawallscozumel #protectwhatyoulove #ARTivism #paintforapurpose #proyectopanorama
A post shared by Sea Walls: Artists for Oceans (@seawalls_) on May 18, 2019 at 11:33pm PDT
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🌊SEA”vics Alert! 📢 . Hawaii State Bill 522 has passed the Senate and is now being reviewed by the House. . You can still voice your support for the bill and a step toward a zero waste Hawaii by 1) submitting testimony online at www.capitol.hawaii.gov/ – (you don’t have to be a Hawaii resident to do this) AND 2) contacting your state house representatives and telling them why a zero waste economy is important to Hawaii’s sustainable future. . If enacted into law, it will prohibit the purchase, use, sale, or distribution of plastic beverage bottles, utensils, stirring sticks, polystyrene foam containers, and straws by state and county agencies after July 1, 2021, and by businesses selling food and beverages after July 1, 2022. It will also ban the distribution or sale of plastic bags after July 1, 2023, and create the plastic source reduction working group to make recommendations for eliminating single-use plastic packaging. . Mural by @louismasai (UK) . #zerowastehawaii #civicsissexy #hawaii #plasticfreehawaii #plastic #protectwhatyoulove #pangeaseed #zerowaste #art #ocean #circulareconomy
A post shared by Sea Walls: Artists for Oceans (@seawalls_) on Mar 14, 2019 at 7:43pm PDT