This Horse is Taking the Internet By Storm

The Haflinger is a breed of horse famous for its long flaxen hair. And there’s an 8-year-old mare named Storm that’s gaining social media attention because of her wavy blonde locks. Many dubbed her as “Rapunzel,” a character in the classic fairy tale.

Her owner, Naomi Beckers, bought Storm from her previous handler two years ago after admiring her golden mane. Beckers has the same blonde curls that trail down her head. Beckers decided to keep Storm’s hair long and luscious, and it hasn’t been cut since she was two years old and now it’s over three feet in length. But it’s also braided for the horse’s safety.

With more than 35k followers on Instagram, we can say that Storm is Insta-famous. Her followers are always looking forward to seeing her photos.

“I was planning to post a few pictures on it [Storm’s Instagram] from time to time, but people kept asking me when I would post another photo,” Beckers shared. “It is actually a bit out of control, but I think it is very nice that it has grown so much!”