Artist Re-imagines Disney Princesses as Brave Warriors

Image via art_veider/Instagram

Artemii Myasnikov is a Russian artist who likes to draw girls and strange creatures. Recently, he transforms Disney princesses into badass warriors and looking at his versions, you may never look at our favorite characters the same way again.

He opened up to Bored Panda how his drawings came about. “One night I was watching the “Disenchantment” series with my wife and we started a discussion on what we like/dislike about the main character,” he shared. “One of the things we both liked is how wasn’t a damsel in distress, unlike most of the princesses in Disney movies.”

“I immediately wanted to draw a Snow White (because to me she’s the most damsel-in-distress-y princess ever) that would be armed, dangerous, and in charge of her own fate. That’s how the sequence started.”